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  • Aletheia Asia

Digital Campaigning in Indonesia's 2024 Presidential Election: Stepping Up One's Game

The upcoming 2024 presidential election in Indonesia will arguably be shaped by the younger generation, which is projected to dominate the voting population. Official campaigning started on 28 November 2023 and has been largely activated through different social media platforms. 

With this, it comes as no surprise that the presidential candidates and their avid supporters engage in the digital landscape, not only with the hopes of getting information but by and large, to influence voting preferences. This is so as a unique form of ‘political activism’ is present online. Indonesians can take in “bite-sized” news, engage with different people unhampered by geographical distance, and share their sentiments with much control of when and who gets to see their posts. As the 2024 presidential election nears, social media becomes a critical arena for political parties and politicians, aiming to connect with constituents and secure votes.

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