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  • Aletheia Asia

Aletheia Asia Interviews Ilham Habibie - WANTIKNAS Chairman

Ilham Habibie is the chairman of WANTIKNAS, Indonesia’s National ICT Council. WANTIKNAS’s main function is to provide recommendations on government policies regarding digitalisation and information and communications technology.

As the fourth most populous country globally, there are great expectations for Indonesia to play an increasingly critical role in the world’s digital economy, both as a consumer and a producer. Indonesia already has a lively start-up scene in the digital space and has produced various world-class unicorns (Tokopedia, Gojek, Traveloka, etc.) over the past two decades.

With greater government support and incubation opportunities alongside the fact that the majority of Indonesians are, in fact, digital natives, with about two-thirds of the population being under 45, Indonesia could be on track to rival current global superpowers in digital supplies and consumption in the near future.

In November 2023, the AA team discussed with Ilham his thoughts on Indonesia’s current state of digitalisation, and what it would take for Indonesia to achieve greater digital integration.


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